Meet Michael Newman
A little about myself. My name is Michael Newman and I am from the east side of Pennsylvania. As a former Fire Fighter for 10 plus years I have always been a supporter of all Emergency Service personnel. I originally started with collecting patches and one day I got a coin from a department and instantly became hooked. I first started by designing a coin for a department that had lost an officer and then started designing coins to show my support for Law Enforcement and handing them out and sending them to departments with recent line of duty deaths. About a year ago I got in contact with Kristen through Facebook and we instantly became friends and started working together. She sent me some flags and I sent her some coins and started working together to show our support for Law Enforcement. I currently am in the process of getting funding to buy flags and coins in bulk to hand out or mail to any department that is in need of support and showing them that there are people out there that care about safety and that they return tho their families.